Friday, November 19, 2010

Achieving a higher form of life.

Maybe I'm more than human. Or maybe it's just that I want to reach beyond being human. To something higher. More elevated. I want to become a spirit. Able to live outside my physical body. And maybe I already have an inner spirit. Because I think I can feel it. Now it's just a matter of grasping my spirit. And setting it free. Then I will have achieved another fascinating level of life. Beyond the human. I'm not satisfied with being merely human. Amazing. How I have evolved. I want no limits on what I can become. I let myself flow. Naturally. I'm in the process of being born. Again and again. Emerging into new dimensions. Forever achieving a higher form of life. --Jim Broede


LarryD said...

It seems to me that you have not evolved, but just become more mature. Or at least older with more experience. I wonder when you lost your belief that you are spirit, soul, and body already.

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm not certain that we are born with a soul/spirit, Larry. We are born physically. But possibly without a soul/spirit. And that is introduced later. When it's certain that one will survive. Long enough so that we have ample opportunity to cultivate a soul/spirit. I'm not even certain I was alive at the moment I squeezed out of my mother's womb. I was not alive until I was aware of it. And that might not have been until I was a year or two old, so to speak. Life does not necessarily begin with conception. So if I had been aborted, I would not necessarily yet have had a soul/spirit. That's one way of looking at life. When I was 5 years old, I was aware of myself. As a being. But I still had a long way to go to figure things out. In fact, still do. Even would if I lived to be 1,000. I can't yet fully define soul/spirit. And I'm not sure that if it exists that it would continue to exist after my physical death. I would like to think so. But I can't be certain. I don't know if soul/spirit are tangible things. Able to exist separate from one's body, one's brain, one's mind. Does a soul/spirit need to be encased in a physical container to truly exist? And if that's the case, is it truly a soul/spirit? So many questions to ponder. --Jim