Friday, November 12, 2010

Don't let us down, Barack Obama.

New York Times columnist Gail Collins says she believes Obama is going to get his groove back and be the leader we elected, even though he is testing us sorely. Well, I too, have faith in Obama. I've been disappointed. Because he seems to have lost his groove. The groove that got him elected two years ago. But I think circumstances have played against Obama. Not the least being that he inherited the worst mess ever bestowed on a president. Maybe even worse than the mess dumped on Abe Lincoln. Obama got not just one, but two wars. A colossal collapse of the economy. Including a need to bail out Wall Street and the auto industry. And the biggest debt in American history. And he's had less than two years to do anything about it. I give the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress credit for preventing another Great Depression, holding it instead to a Great Recession. But still, we've got big-time problems. And we need a leader that finds his groove once again. To lead us to the promised land. I'm betting on you, Barack Obama. Don't let us down. --Jim Broede

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