Saturday, November 13, 2010

Indeed, a sad state of affairs.

You and I are to blame for the sad state of affairs in America. On the political, economic and social levels. Because we don't do anything about it. We are completely ineffective. Because we are convinced that we are helpless. That we are no more than bystanders. At the scene of a crime. Oh, I hear some of us yelling and screaming and foaming at the mouth. And forming a new political party. Of professed tea drinkers. But really, they're drinking kool-aid. Poison. Or drugs. That make them think that they are gonna do something about the mess we're in. When really, it's all a charade. People that have been turned into puppets. By the powerbrokers. By the big-money capitalists that run the show. We need a full-scale revolution. But that ain't gonna happen. Because we don't have the smarts. Or the guts. Or the stamina. We are stupid and helpless beings. Even the high and lofty and professorial Barack Obama was gonna do something about it. By becoming our grand and glorious leader. But even he stepped into the quicksand in Washington, and so he's sinking deeper and deeper into the muck. We've lost our faith. We have surrendered to the enemy. We have become losers. Defeatists. With no idea of what to do next. Indeed, a sad state of affairs. --Jim Broede

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