Sunday, November 14, 2010

Everyone has a story to be told.

I'm intrigued by human relationships. Yes, on how we relate to each other. What makes us connect? I often try to make contact with strangers. Mostly out of curiosity. I wasn't always that way. Maybe it's because I made a living as a writer. Writing stories. For newspapers. And I had to interview people. For stories. So I became inquisitive. Therefore, it's natural for me to ask questions. And in the process, I often write a story. In my head. About people that I meet. Total strangers. I think all people are fascinating. They have a story to tell. Even a dull life is interesting. Even if one merely goes through the motions of living. Why does one settle for that sort of life? I could write an interesting obituary about virtually anyone. If only I had the opportunity to talk to one of his/her friends for a few minutes. Give me 15 minutes and I'll be able to make something meaningful of it. --Jim Broede

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