Friday, November 19, 2010

I want to see more, feel more.

I'm looking forward to being a bit detached from the USA for several months this winter. Starting in mid-December, I'll be living in Italy. In Sardinia. With my true love. Can't say that I'm gonna be homesick. I doubt it. But hey, it'll be a good test. When I've traveled to foreign countries in the past, I never hurried to get back. I adapt nicely to new surroundings, new cultures. Every day seems like a new adventure. Something different. Makes me aware that I'm adaptable. Able to adjust to life almost anywhere. I intend to get a feel for the Italian way of life. Particularly, the Sardinian way. One of my favorite writers, D. H. Lawrence, visited Sardinia in the 1920s. And he wrote a book, 'The Sea and Sardinia.' I want to walk the same ground that Lawrence walked. And get my own feel for the place. And I intend to write about it. Right here in my blog. Maybe I'll see more and feel more than Lawrence. That would be wonderful. --Jim Broede

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