Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'll flee rather than live in Hell.

Seems to me we Americans keep shifting back and forth. In an effort to find the political party to lead us to wherever it is we want to go. We give the Republicans a few years to do the leading. Then the Democrats. Then back to the Republicans again. Funny thing. Nobody gets the job done. Largely, it seems, because our two main political parties refuse to work with each other. Fail to reach accord. Fail to compromise. Yes, we're polarized. Split. Divided. In a sense, we're engaged in a civil war. In the process, we may end up destroying each other. And destroying our nation. We can't seem to accomplish any kind of fix. Because the party out of power does everything possible to block the party that's in power. We Americans work against each other. Rather than with each other. United we stand and divided we fall. And we are falling. Declining. We are anything but united. This is not the United States of America any more. It is the Disunited States of America. My gawd. We've got all sorts of problems. With our political system. Our economic system. Our social system. And we are letting the problems fester. Because we can't agree on what to do. We are too busy fighting each other. We don't even talk to each other civilly anymore. I'm starting to feel like a helpless child. In a family. Where mom and dad are constantly feuding. Doesn't look good for the family. I sure wish the Republicans and Democrats would go and see a therapist. And try to patch things up. But hey, if they can't get their acts together, I'm not sticking around. I'm leaving for Italy soon. For a life of love. Maybe I'll never return. I'd much rather live with my true love. And be happy. In Paradise. That's better than living in Hell with feuding Republicans and Democrats. --Jim Broede

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