Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My attitude carries me through.

I have a novel way of quickly discovering who I shouldn't vote for in any election. By looking at my neighbors' lawn signs. If the neighbors are supporting certain candidates, I automatically know: don't vote for 'em. Because they are most likely Republicans and on the far, far right. Doesn't matter whether it's a national, state or local election. I live in a relatively affluent neighborhood. With some multi-million dollar mansions. Turns out my lot is valued at more than my house. So I'm not as affluent as they are. But I'm not poor and destitute either. I'm a member of the middle class. Which makes me the riff-raff of the neighborhood. And I might very well be run out of the neighborhood if word gets around that I'm a socialist sympathizer. Two years ago, I may have delivered my neighborhood's lone vote for Barack Obama. Furthermore, I live in a congressional district represented by Michele Bachmann, a member of the Republican Party's lunatic fringe. It's almost as if I live in a foreign country. Despite the fact that Minnesota is a blue state. A liberal state. Albeit, we have the shameful Bachmann and a Republican governor. It goes to show that I can adapt to living under hostile conditions. And still be happy. It's my attitude that carries me through. The fact that I'm in love with life. --Jim Broede

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