Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm living my dreams.

I like to dream. For instance, dream of living in Paradise. And suddenly the dream comes true. All I have to do is look around me. And I discover that I am living in Paradise. No matter where I am. Right here in Minnesota. Even when the weather turns cold and blustery. We've had a mix of cold rain and snow the past 24 hours. And I love it. Looks a little like a scene out of Dr. Zhivago. In the middle of Siberia. But hey, this is Paradise. Because that's what it feels like. It's all a state of mind. A beautiful dream. That has become real. It's as if I'm in a novel. Part of a fascinating story. A love story. I couldn't ask for a better dream. Or a better reality. It's all one and the same. I'm living my dreams. Have been. For a long time. --Jim Broede

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