Thursday, November 25, 2010

My words don't sell.

I highly recommend living long enough to retire. And still be in good health. Believe me. It's a pleasure. Of course, life before retirement wasn't bad, either. It was darn good. But with retirement often comes a new-found freedom. To do pretty much as one wants. I'm a writer. So I could choose not to write anymore. Or to continue writing. But to write what I want to write. Before retirement, I was writing for newspapers. And I often picked stories that I wanted to write. But still, I had to write stories people wanted to read. Now I write more to please myself rather than anyone else. If people choose to not read what I write, fine. And if a few care to read the stuff, fine. That's how I think of my blog. I'm not out to please people. But if I do, that's all right, too. I don't write to make a living. I write only because I feel like writing. In my way. And about anything I please. Nobody tells me what to write. Or how to write. Which means I can experiment. Try almost anything. If I had to make a living with my writing, I'd have to write what people wanted to read. In fact, that's the nature of the news media today. Surveying the potential audience. To determine what the people want. And then giving it to 'em. Doesn't matter that it may not be the truth. Because if they want lies, that's what they'll get. They'll be told anything they want to hear. As for me, I tend to tell them what they don't want to hear. That doesn't sell. --Jim Broede

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