Thursday, November 25, 2010

Nasty. Nasty. Nasty.

I admit to being uncivil. Sometimes. Because I see so much uncivility. And maybe it's a contagious disease. If you are persistently uncivil to me, eventually I give in. And I return the rude conduct. To prove that I can be just as uncivil as the next guy or gal. This especially goes when I'm dealing with unprincipled politicians. At some point, I refuse to turn the other cheek. I not only slap back, I bring my knee up to his groin. Get my foe to double over in pain and then I kick him in the teeth. And stomp on him. Yes, that's the point we've reached in American society. Some uncivil characters tell me that's the way it's always been. To look back in history. That the likes of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were very, very uncivil with each other. And that some congressmen exchanged fisticuffs. Matter of fact, duels were still in fashion in the early 19th century. In other words, we Americans have always acted like asses. Therefore, it's all right. Our nation's founders set the example. Of course, I'd like to think that we've matured over the ages. Into reasonable and polite people. Maybe a handful of us have. By isolating ourselves. Retreating to our cocoons. Like I do, occasionally. But inevitably, I come out. And I act like the majority. I become an uncivil goon. And I treat a Republican like a Republican treats others. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty. --Jim Broede

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