Friday, November 26, 2010

Oh, so much perfection.

My idea/concept of perfection keeps changing. For instance, if I have a reasonably happy day, I consider it a moreorless perfect day. When I am consciously aware that I am in love, it's about as near-perfect as one can get. When I am with my love, it is even closer to perfect. When I am feeling healthy, I gotta be flirting with perfection. I just looked outdoors. At a squirrel climbing the ginkgo tree. And I see a white blanket of snow covering the lake ice. And it's all so beautifully perfect. Even the thought of soon donning my cold-weather clothing, including a ski mask, and going for a walk or a bicycle ride, seems like a perfect pursuit. And yesterday. I was a guest at my neighbor's place. For a turkey dinner. And camaraderie. And nice conversation while watching the flames dance in the fireplace. Oh, so much perfection. It's everywhere. --Jim Broede

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