Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy choices.

How does one pursue happiness? I suppose it's a thought process. I have to ask myself, 'What will make me happy at this moment?' Maybe it's as simple as thinking about happiness. And what it is. Feeling alive. And well. That makes me happy. I suppose I could think of something sad. But I have no inclination to do that. Because I much prefer being happy. I know people who aren't particularly happy at this moment. Because they have stress in their lives. Problems that need to be solved. And that plagues their minds. But still, they are in positions daily when they can take time out. Just to be happy. For a moment or two. Reminding themselves that some things are going right. And that simple pleasures are possible. Going for a walk. Playing with a cat or a dog. Listening to music. I'm free to make so very many choices. Happy choices. --Jim Broede

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