Friday, November 26, 2010

Our pockets are being picked.

No doubt about it. I'm at odds with much of public sentiment in America. Especially in the realm of politics. I want more and bigger government. To provide essential services. And economic security. For all citizens. Expanded social security. Expanded Medicare. Yes, I want a bigger public role in most everything. And less privatization. I don't trust the private sector. The capitalist is out to screw us. To exploit us. For the sake of profit. That ain't right. Citizens have the opportunity to control the operation of government. Because ultimately, we citizens are the bosses. The government is supposed to work for us. For the common good. But the private entrepeneur works for himself, for his own individual good, and not necessarily for the common good. It's not good that we have an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. But that's the nature of the capitalist system. It's inherently immoral. And selfish. Because it ignores the common good. Oh, many capitalists will argue that they are working for the common good. But that's bullshit. The capitalist wants to become individually wealthy. And he doesn't care if that comes at the expense of the common good. And so far, he has gotten away with it. Because most of us are too dumb to realize that our pockets are being picked. --Jim Broede

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