Sunday, November 21, 2010

On connecting to my roots.

I'd like to meet ancestors I've never met before. Because they are long dead. It'd be interesting to sit down and talk to them. Knowing that I exist because they existed. It's an unfortunate circumstance of life that one never meets one's ancient ancestors. But maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe if the spirit lives after death, we'll have a reunion of ancestors. We'll all gather and get to know each other. I'd certainly like to meet dead people I'm related to. As it is, I've discovered some living cousins. In Germany. That I didn't know existed until the last 10 years. We've met. And we visit each other. Regularly. In Germany. In America. I suspect that my ancestors' spirits brought us together. They wanted me to walk the same ground that they walked centuries ago. While I'm still living here on Mother Earth. Chances are if I meet them, it'll be in another dimension. Which is all right. I like the idea of moving on. To new places in the cosmos. But I'd still like to be connected to my roots. --Jim Broede

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