Monday, November 29, 2010

A quest to free the spirit.

I'm told that I have a spirit. That we all have spirits. But I'm not exactly certain about that. Because I'm still trying to define spirit. Seems to me that spirit isn't a tangible, physical thing. It has no body. I have a sense that a spirit is living inside me. Maybe the spirit is my conscious awareness. I wonder if I didn't physically exist, would my spirit still exist? In a conscious manner. And could my spirit move about? Would my spirit be aware of planet Earth? How would my spirit communicate with other spirits? Or with living, physical organisms? Do spirits have extrasensory perceptions? Can spirits transport themselves to dimensions we humans can't even imagine? Do spirits live within the framework of time? I like to think of myself as having a free spirit. But I have a sense that my spirit isn't free. That it's latched down. Shackled. But that my spirit has the potential to be free. And maybe that's what life is all about. A quest to free the spirit. --Jim Broede

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