Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Republicans ain't gonna do it.

It's time to give the middle class a break, and to soak the rich. That's the way to get America out of its financial mess. Maybe when it's all over, there'll be less of a gap between the rich and the poor. We'll end up with the rich being less rich, and the poor less poor. And America will be a better place. Of course, the middle class will have to pitch in, too. And make sacrifices. But let the rich make the biggest sacrifices. Because they can afford it. Especially the nation's millionaires and billionaires. Unfortunately, if Republicans had their way, we'd continue to soak the middle class and give the rich tax breaks. And if the middle class and the poor people allow that to happen -- well, then we'll get what we deserve. Continued inequality. The American economic and political system has been designed to favor the affluent and big business. Rather than to serve the common good. That has gotta change. But don't bet on it happening. Unless we make it happen. By marching on Washington. And taking control of our government. Giving Republicans a majority in Congress ain't gonna do it. --Jim Broede

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