Thursday, November 4, 2010

Some advice for Barack Obama.

I want Barack Obama to be as mean and ruthless as a Republican. In fact, even more ruthless. That's the way one must learn to deal with ruthless people. You become extraordinarily ruthless. Obama should have learned that lesson in the early weeks of his presidency. But instead, he acted kindly and graciously. Like a gentleman. Big mistake. One doesn't gain anything by being nice to a ruthless Republican. You gotta punch a Republican in the gut. And then when he starts to crumple over, you bring a knee up and smash him in the face. And you don't let him get up again. Republicans fight dirty. They have no scruples. Of course, I'd advocate a totally different approach if you were dealing with nice guys. Then you compromise. You give and take. You meet in the middle. And you treat each other with respect. That's the way civilized people act. But Republicans -- well, they ain't civilized. They're ruthless. They can't be trusted. Give them the opportunity, and they'll stab you in the gut. Or in the back. Maybe both places. So, Barack Obama, let me warn you, it's a matter of getting them before they get you. --Jim Broede

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