Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gives me food for more thought.

I'm a thinker. But I'm not certain what that means. Other than that I think. A whole lot. Which means I have thoughts. Rather than an idle or blank mind. I'm most comfortable when I have a conscious thought. I have so many, many thoughts that I can't keep track of 'em all. I may have had a particular thought five minutes ago. But darn if I can remember it. That thought has already eluded me. So maybe it wasn't worth remembering. Or maybe I'm just absent-minded. Actually, if someone listed 10 thoughts for me. And asked me to remember 'em all for recitation later on, I probably couldn't do it. Unless I wrote 'em down. Or unless I was enthralled by those particular thoughts. But I find it most difficult to be enthralled by 10 thoughts all at once. Some of 'em are bound to be boring and very forgettable. Anyway, my mind often shifts from one thought to another and another and another. Almost endlessly some days. When I wake in the morning, I automatically seem to have a thought on my mind. Same goes for when I go to sleep at night. Maybe I don't remember thoughts from a while ago because I'm totally focused on the thought of the moment. And therefore, I've cleansed my mind of all other thoughts. I could try to jot down all the thoughts I have in a single day. And then count 'em. An opportunity to analyze the nature of the thoughts. But that won't serve any useful purpose. And it would entail unnecessary labor. On my part. Meanwhile, I'm thinking that maybe I missed a goodly portion of my life. When I wasn't thinking. Periods when I wasn't even aware that I was alive. Come to think of it, that's an interesting premise. Gives me food for more thought. --Jim Broede

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