Thursday, November 4, 2010

To be a decent human being.

I see nothing wrong with being a liberal. Or a socialist. Even a Marxist. I'm not ashamed of being linked to the so-called left wing in matters politic, economic and social. I'm not ashamed to declare that I'm for the common good. Because ultimately that leads to the indivdiual good. I want life designed to make survival easier for everyone. For the masses. And yes, for the poor and downtrodden. I want a society in which we tend to help each other. A narrowing of the gap between the haves and the have-nots. I know that people on the right or conservative side are proud to be there. That's fine. But I'm just as proud to be a liberal. Even though some conservatives define liberal as evil. But I ain't evil. I'm a good guy. And I rather suspect that conservatives are good guys, too. Especially when they acknowledge that liberals ain't so bad. It's only when we liberals and conservatives look with disdain on each other that we make for unnecessary difficulty. Anyway, I know that as a liberal I ain't gonna get everything I want. I'm willing to compromise. To negotiate. To trade-off. To meet somewhere in the middle. In so doing, I'm not abandoning my liberal principles. I'm just trying to get along. To be reasonably nice. To be accommodating. To be a decent human being. --Jim Broede

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