Thursday, November 18, 2010

To soar beyond the beyond.

It's truly nice to be connected with another human being. One other. Intimately. Even from a distance. I suppose that's the real nature of love. A metaphysical connection. Something mystical. I didn't know that was possible early in life. Although I'm sure I sensed it. Unconsciously. Subconsciously. And I had to dig deep within. To find it. And to understand it to some significant degree. And now that has become the purpose of my life. To explore the world from within my own being. That's why I could live on a desert island. And still be with the blessed spirits. Yes, that's what I have discovered. A spiritual realm. I know that it exists. Because I can feel it. A presence of a life force. Even beyond one's imagination. But that is where one must go. To soar beyond the beyond. --Jim Broede

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