Saturday, November 27, 2010

We all need a bit of prodding.

Sometimes I need prodding. And I have a friend who knows how to prod me. For which I am appreciative. For instance, the friend has prodded me to stay in touch with my sister. Because it's the right thing to do. So she asks me, 'Have you called your sister?' And I promise I'll get around to it. And I tell my sister, 'I'm calling you because a friend told me to.' My friend tells me I don't have to be that honest with my sister. But I think she can take it. And my sister probably thinks better of my friend for it. My friend is my friend, in part, because she's a prodder. Exactly what I need. Sort of a gentle kick in the ass. Come to think of it, maybe we all need a bit of prodding. To be encouraged to do things that we keep putting off. Especially the meaningful stuff. Such as talking to my sister. --Jim Broede

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