Thursday, December 23, 2010

Anything, to save the trees.

Rolling and bumpy cobblestone sidewalks in the city of Carbonia in Sardinia are a thing of beauty. In part, because they are lined with stately, towering evergreen pini trees. Many of ‘em older than the 75-year-old city. Turns out that the sidewalks and trees aren’t compatible. The bulky tree roots are literally lifting the sidewalks, making them more and more irregular. In the U.S., the trees would have been cut down long ago to make for more convenience for pedestrians. And because of the potential for lawsuits. But the Italians have long resisted that temptation. Until recently. Sadly, the trees are coming down in Carbonia. Street by street. Some Carbonians are protesting. But seems they are fighting a losing battle. That’s a shame. The preservation of nature takes second place once again. Robbing this picturesque city of some of its natural beauty. I’m able to navigate the sidewalks nimbly enough. By being watchful and careful. But I suppose others can’t. And if someone stumbles and breaks a leg or a neck, I suppose it’s gonna cost city taxpayers a pretty euro or two. But I’m with the tree-huggers on this one. I’d rather see the sidewalks promoted as fun-filled obstacle courses. Anything, to save the wonderful trees. -Jim Broede

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