Sunday, December 19, 2010

Let the revolution begin!

I suspect that the world revolution to overthrow capitalism is more likely to start in Italy than in the USA. Which makes me happy that I'm in Italy. Because I feel more at home where young people are already taking to the streets. I am 75. But still young in spirit. And maybe I will consider joining in the protests and riots. Anything to help the cause. Which is to redistribute the wealth. To make the rich less obscenely rich and the poor less obsecenely poor. We revolutionaries want the upcoming young generation to be better off than their parents and grandparents. And to put it simply and succinctly and bluntly, that's best achieved by redistributing the wealth. To end the reign of capitalism as we know it. Especially American-style capitalism. It'll take a goodly dose of socialism, and fewer millionaires and billionaires. But so be it. Let the common good be served. Let the revolution begin! --Jim Broede

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