Friday, December 24, 2010

The long overdue revolution.

A fantastic number of unemployed people in Italy. Probably a much bigger percentage of Italians out of work than Americans. Obviously, unemployment is a worldwide problem. The jobless. Really hurting. Hardly a family over here in Italy unaffected by this dire human plight. Makes me wonder why more isn’t done about it. We deserve a world where everyone that wants to work can find work. So much to be done. Repairing and expanding the infrastructures. More public services, too, for the needy. The poor. Even the middle class. I keep hearing that we can’t afford it. That we’ll always have the poor and downtrodden with us. But we’ll also always have the obscenely and ungawdly rich. Let's make the rich a little less affluent. For the sake of helping the least amongst us. Putting everybody to productive work. To benefit the common good. Doesn’t mean that we’d have to eliminate millionaires and billionaires. They could still retain vast wealth. Only less of it. That won’t happen until workers arise. And take control. Yes, it’s called a revolution. Long overdue. –Jim Broede

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