Saturday, December 11, 2010

Maybe we just don't know it.

I have to accept the inevitable, don't I? The fact that I'm gonna die. Sooner or later. Just like everyone else. Not any of us are gonna get out of here alive. Now whether that's good or bad, I don't know. I wish it weren't so. Because I've always found more reason to live than to die. Even when loved ones around me die, I still want to live. Despite the sadness. Despite the loss. In a sense, I welcome the sadness. Sure beats indifference. Makes me aware that I'm alive. Doing more than just going through the motions. I suppose the creator gave us life conditionally. With the idea that it wouldn't be permanent. That we had only so much time to make something of it. If we had forever -- well, then we could postpone everything forever. No hurry. No sense of urgency. But still, I'm unsure that the creator himself ever did anything with urgency in mind. Because he has forever. Or so I am assuming. But then again, maybe I am assuming wrong. Maybe as some philosophers speculate, god is dead. Maybe we just don't know it. --Jim Broede

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