Friday, December 10, 2010

Makes me an individual.

I accept political outcomes. Because I don't want to participate. I'd get my hands too dirty. And I'd stain my soul. But that doesn't stop me from spouting off. From being critical of politicians and the decision-making process. As an individual, I'm helpless to influence the outcome. Yes, I know masses of people can make a difference. But I tend to avoid being part of a mass. Even of a mass movement. Albeit, I wasn't always that way. I was active in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. That felt good. But the movement would have succeeded without me. Didn't really matter whether I was a member of the masses. In that sense, I'm rather insignificant. But I'm significant in one respect. I'm the only being that's me. Makes me an individual. --Jim Broede

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