Thursday, December 2, 2010

Precious moments.

I'm amused by people who want me to get things done. In a timely manner. This and that. Little chores. Big chores. Taking care of details. Like things I have to do before leaving for Italy later this month. I have to pack. Bring the right things. But I refuse to get into a frenzy. No doubt about it. I'll leave some things go to the last minute. I won't be the complete and perfect traveler. Or for that matter, the complete and perfect human being. But I'll adjust along the way. And make the best of the situation. I know that not everything will go as planned. And I may get momentarily rattled. But hey, things will get resolved. Sure, I wish life would fall into place in a neatly wrapped package. And ultimately, it does. For a moment, at least. And that's what I prize most. Precious moments. --Jim Broede

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