Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things will get better. Believe it.

Seems to me that life always gets better. If only one gives it time. That's my observation after 75 years of living. Ultimately, something goes wrong. Life spirals in a direction that you don't want it to go. But then things get better and better. Problems get solved. That keeps me going. Knowing that ups follow the downs. Has to. Because I won't have it any other way. I wouldn't be able to live with a constant flow of downs. I suppose the final down ends in death. But until then, one has life. And I wanna try to live life to the fullest. Reasonably happy. Fulfilled. And whenever possible, in love. If not with someone, then with something. I have this inner confidence. Call it faith. That when I'm not feeling good mentally, physically or spiritually, it's only temporary. Things will get better. Believe it. --Jim Broede

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