Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm blissfully happy.

I'm certain that some diehard Chicago Bears fans are unhappy today. Because the Bears lost an opportunity to go to the Super Bowl yesterday. But I'm happy. Because the Bears overachieved this season. They weren't supposed to get this far. All the way to the NFC championship game. So I take solace in that. It was the first time in three years that the Bears even made it to the play-offs. Years ago I was greedy. I wanted the whole shebang. Everything. Nothing less than the championship. For all of my favorite teams. And if they didn't make it, I lamented. Even lost sleep over it. Anguished. Over what could have been. If only things had gone right. Instead, this time I just reflected. Thinking how lucky and fortunate that the Bears had a good season. Far better than expected. And also, that here I am. Living in Sardinia. With my true love. I'm more than satisfied. I'm blissfully happy. --Jim Broede

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