Monday, January 24, 2011

For rule-breakers, it's satisfying.

I don't like rules. But sometimes, I learn to live by 'em. Quite reluctantly at times. Just to get along. But I also break rules. Knowing fuil well the consequences. Yes, I'll take issue with rules that I feel are stifling. Unfair. I don't want to die in order to oppose a rule. Or so I suppose. That wouldn't seem to make sense. Because I can better fight an unjust rule when I'm living. Easier to do something about it. In a practical way. Maybe by organizing opposition. From fellow human beings. If I don't like living under a particular rule, maybe I can go elsewhere. Where the rule doesn't apply. Or maybe I can get around the rule in other ways. I find that the Italians are good at skirting rules. They end up thumbing their noses at rules. And do as they please. Without being punished. Oh, they are so clever. They've even got the enforcers of rules looking the other way. That may annoy people who want strict enforcement. But for rule-breakers like me -- well, it's gratifying. --Jim Broede

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