Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Only Sherlock Holmes knows.

I first came to know her as Sherlock Holmes. But her real name is Lucia. A professional care-giver that my true love hired. To help take care of her mother, who died last August. Of complications from Alzheimer’s. Anyway, Lucia is a good care-giver. Dedicated. She was able to assist my true love’s mother up and down three flights of stairs. And she did little extra things. I came to like Lucia. Without her ever meeting me directly. I saw her several times. When she didn’t know it. On a video-audio hook up on my true love’s computer. I came to know her that way. As a blond. But when I met here in person a few weeks ago, she was a brunet. So I didn’t immediately recognize her. Maybe she’s working undercover. As a detective. I know better, of course. It’s just that my true love once told me that Lucia reminded her a little of Sherlock Holmes. Because she’s inquisitive. And curious. And notices little things. Like picking up two packages of beans. Carefully weighing them. One in each hand. And concluding that one package has more beans than the other. Whether that’s significant. Only Sherlock Holmes knows. –Jim Broede

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