Saturday, January 29, 2011

The opportunity to make it right.

I’m wondering. Do I know anyone who doesn’t have something going wrong in their lives? Guess not. That’s the nature of life. Seldom, if ever, does everything go right. And the relatively happy people, I suppose, are the ones that adjust. Adapt. Cope with the adversities. Many of ‘em minor. But still, I see people who get annoyed if everything doesn’t go right. Which means they are perpetually annoyed. The crab lady living in the flat below us was annoyed this morning. I guess with the way we parked our car. My true love got a little rattled over the lady’s barking. I said, ignore her. That’s what one has to do. Ignore the crabby people. Don’t let them waste your time. Or get under your skin. Another thing. Our car didn’t start this morning. Because the key won’t turn in the ignition. We thought we had the problem fixed with a repair a few days ago. It was working. But not this morning. My true love is a bit upset about it. But I tell her it’s not a life and death situation. We’ll get a permanent fix eventually. Maybe a new car. This one is 25 years old. Still in relatively good shape. Only 124,000 kilometers on the odometer. We can milk it along. Afterall, I’ve driven cars that have gone for 270,000 miles. Just gotta take care of ‘em. Baby ‘em. I like to get the most out of everything. But especially life. Even when something goes wrong. Because I have the opportunity to make it right. –Jim Broede

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