Saturday, January 29, 2011

Two things I'd do over.

I have two regrets about yesterday. Two things I’d do over. My worst transgression was not thinking. When I walked past a man walking with the aid of two crutches. Not the kind one puts under the arms in one’s arm pits. But the shorter kind that come below the elbows. And in one of his hands he was carrying a small plastic grocery bag. And there was a light mist out. Enough for me to carry an open umbrella. A minute after I passed the man, I thought I should have offered to carry the bag and to accompany the man to his destination under protection of the umbrella. I turned around and was on my way back, when the man was crossing the street. To enter an apartment complex. And I thought to myself, ‘My gawd, helping this man should have been an automatic reflex. And it wasn’t.’ Also, while walking, I saw a banana peel on the sidewalk. And I just left it. Maybe for someone to slip on and break his neck. Anyway, today I’m trying to be more conscious. And do the right things. –Jim Broede

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