Sunday, January 2, 2011

A poetic lasting forever.

I've evolved. In stages. That's life. Ever-changing. I like that. Being on the go. Never static. But staying the same, too. In one particular way. A romantic idealist. That's me. At the core. Deep. Into the soul. And spirit. Allows me to soar. Forever. To leave my physical being. Traveling beyond time. Into an eternal dimension. No limits. Only endless horizons. And a spiritual orgasm. A communion with the Creator. Achieved so easily. So why did it take so long? Perhaps I was trapped in the labyrinth of time. Laborious. My albatross. A weight so heavy. Now I am light as a wispy breeze. Drifting. To the beginning and end of time. Converging. Life comes to a poetic lasting forever. --Jim Broede

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