Thursday, January 20, 2011

The secret of my success.

My true love is dieting. And so am I. But I'm far less restrictive than she. And more effective. I eat pretty much what I want. In reasonably moderate portions. I eat about as many calories as I burn. I exercise daily. I'm addicted more to exerecise than to food. I can skip a meal. And it doesn't bother me. Or just have a piece of toast for breakfast. I hover between 168 and 170 pounds. Which I consider about right for me. I haven't gained any weight in my five weeks in Italy. And I eat whatever looks good. Even sinful stuff. It's been that way for years and years. My true love questions the healthy nature of my diet. She claims to eat more healthy. The right stuff. And at the right times. Day after day. But she has difficulty losing weight. Therefore, I argue I'm better off. My way works. For me. Even my cholesterol level appears to be healthy. It's 143. My true love's diet was prescribed by a doctor she visits in Rome. Twice a year. I'm suggesting that he's a quack. Or a charlatan. His diet is bogus. Ineffective. I tell my true love to aim for a nice blend of protein, fat and carbohydrate. I eat lots of Italian food. And I like it. But give me fare from Germany, Denmark, France, the Czech Republic, Hungary, China and Russia, too. Even England, which has notoriety for the worst food in the world. Yes, I like it all. In moderate amounts. Combined with exercise. Maybe that's the secret of my success. --Jim Broede

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