Monday, January 31, 2011

Showing her how to be patient.

Taking a number. Standing in line. That’s a part of every day life in Italy. Here in Sardinia, my true love went to a medical clinic. Simply to deal with the red tape for a routine visit to a doctor. And she got number 99. And number 67 was being served. She had to wait for about an hour. And if she wants to mail a package at the post office. On a particularly busy day, the wait may be for half an hour. But I tell her, practice patience. Bring along a book. Or a newspaper. Take advantage of the waiting time. Relax. Look around. Enjoy what you see. Quite a mix of people. Anyway, she’s still able to pick her own doctor. Under socialized medicine. Everybody is covered. For primary care. If you wanna see a specialist, you may have to pay a little bit. Based on your income. She pays 20 euros. The equivalent of $25 in U.S. money. Meanwhile, I spent time with my true love at the clinic. Keeping her company. Demonstrating how to be patient. –Jim Broede

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