Saturday, January 8, 2011

The ways I could be happy.

I find so many people that don't like their jobs. That was never the case with me. Maybe on particular days, I didn't like being a writer for newspapers. Especially shortly before I retired. But overall, I liked what I was doing. I would have been unhappy if I didn't like my job. It would have been torture. Punishment. I would never have tolerated such a fate. I would have found another way to make a living. So I don't fully understand people who pursue jobs or careers that they dislike. Or maybe even hate. It's a bad way to spend one's life. I was happy to report for work most of the time. Because I was having fun. Writing about subjects I like to write about. Many of 'em controversial. I could be happy doing lots of things. Maybe even teaching. That is, if I could do it my way. I wouldn't want to be caught up in a system that dictated a way that made me uncomfortable. It's also possible that I would make a good farmer. Or a shepherd. Yes, an outdoor job in a nice climate. --Jim Broede

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