Friday, February 11, 2011

Dirty rotten scoundrels.

If there’s gonna be significant change in the American political, economic and social systems, it has to come from the bottom up. Americans have to take to the streets. Just like the Egyptians. We Americans have been duped. Hood-winked into thinking we live in a democracy. We don’t. Instead, we live in a plutocracy. Where the rich rule. The common folk are around just to benefit the rich. Especially the big corporations. Big business. And bankers. And Wall Street financiers. Unfortunately, we common folk often are too dumb to know it. Because we believe anything we are told by the ruling elite. We believe the Republican pitch. That we Americans live in a democracy. And that we are setting an example for the rest of the world to follow. When really, the aim of the ruling elite in America is to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. And to stave off a revolution by making us all think we live on easy street. In Paradise. When our pockets are being picked right and left and from top to bottom. So that the rich can live even more lavishly. And we ordinary folk put up with it. But the ordinary folk in Egypt aren’t putting up with it any longer. But I’m not so sure that the Egyptians are gonna get what they want. The ruling elite that have run Egypt for so very many, many years may still have a trick or two up their sleeves. I don’t trust ‘em anymore than I trust the ruling elite in America. They are dirty rotten scoundrels. And always will be. Keep a close eye on ‘em. –Jim Broede

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