Friday, February 11, 2011

Working for the common good.

Believe me. Everybody deserves to live long enough to retire. In good health. And with a decent income. Maybe a pension. And social security. And a home owned free and clear. Of course, it doesn’t happen to everyone. Some die early. Others have poor health. And hardly any income. But still, I’d like to see an economic and social system in America that makes such a life possible for more and more of us. And if that means taking from the rich in order to assist the less affluent, so be it. That’s my attitude. And my political agenda. It won’t come easy. It’s gonna take a revolution. People taking to the streets. Just like they did in Egypt in recent weeks. And I mean a revolution that lasts and lasts and lasts. A continual revolution. To make sure that the common good is served. The revolution won’t come easy. We all have to pitch in. With religious fervor. With the kind of passion we’ve never exerted before. Imagine that. Working for the common good. –Jim Broede

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