Saturday, February 19, 2011

Doing the indecent thing.

I'm for stronger labor unions. For workers' rights. Management has had its way for far too long. Seems to me that big business is hoarding profits. Overpaying their managers. And stockholders. And short-changing the workers. The proletariat. I'm certainly a socialist at heart. If not a communist. Workers need to organize around the world. Until they do, they'll be exploited by management. By the owenrs. By the rich people who become rich by taking from the workers, without giving back a fair share. The top executives of corporations deserve better wages than workers. But not by a ratio of several hundred. That's obscene. The sad state of the economy hurts primarily the workers. Poor people. And the middle class. The corporate bosses and stockholders and bankers are making bigger profits than ever. Getting richer and richer. By laying off workers. They've chosen to do the indecent thing. --Jim Broede

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