Saturday, February 19, 2011

Time to celebrate real spring.

When I return to the USA in March, I have the option of settling down at my home in Minnesota. Or going to Arizona for a couple of weeks. To take spring training with the Chicago Cubs. Not sure what I'm gonna do. But I'm inclined to stay in Minnesota. To reaclimate myself to winter. We'll still have a little bit of it left. March can be the snowiest month of winter. But it's also a month with great fluctuation. I can remember an 80-degree temperature in March. Though we'd be happy to settle for the 50s or 60s. At least for a few days. A reminder that spring is not far away. And in April, we may begin to see a few buds on the trees. And by May, time to celebrate real spring. Everything turning green. And flowers blooming. And maybe the lake water is warm enough for a swim. And a refreshing bath. --Jim Broede

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