Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Italians want to savor it all.

I get the feeling in Italy that I can step into a restaurant at almost any place, and I'll get a good meal. Doesn't matter if it's tucked away in a remote corner of a city or village. The food is good almost everywhere I go. But I don't have the same feeling about the USA. When I'm traveling around the states, I have to be wary. Because we Americans have some pretty terrible restaurants. Some very good ones, too. But bad is bad. And I have yet to find a restaurant in Italy that I consider truly bad. Maybe Italians appreciate food more than do Americans. An American will settle for a badly prepared meal. And relatively tasteless food. An Italian wants to savor it all. Tastefully. From appetizers, through mulitple courses, to dessert. --Jim Broede

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