Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's their rotten lives.

I suspect there's nothing more difficult than being stuck in a job that one doesn't like. That must be daily torture. I was fortunate. Virtually all of my working life. In that I thoroughly enjoyed my job of writing for newspapers. Maybe right up to the last year or two. When I became disenchanted. Because newspapers were changing. For the bad. In order to survive. They started giving readers exactly what they wanted. Dumbed-down news. Capsule versions. Quick reads. Of course, many newspapers haven't survived. People get their news now through other sources. TV. Cable. The Internet. Less and less from the printed word. People don't wanna take time any more to truly digest the news. Anyway, I was talking about not liking one's job. I know so very many people who hate to go to work. It's a grind. It's stressful. It's loathsome. And many times, they come home to a bad marriage, a bad relationship. Seems to me such a life must be hell. Little wonder that lots of people are in depression. It ain't a chemical imbalance. It's their rotten lives. --Jim Broede

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