Thursday, February 3, 2011

Making every day a new day.

Maybe life begins at whatever age I'm at. At the particular moment. When I was 10, that's when I thought life began. And at 20, too. And 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. And now it's 75. I always feel that I'm at a new beginning. Each day is new. I take them one at a time. And I am able to create something new. Every day. A new revived and refreshed day. Maybe I had a keener sense of the days when I retired. Which will be going on 13 years. I retired at 62. Primarily to take care of my dear Jeanne. My wife of 38 years. She died 4 years ago. But I'm still living. Better and happier than ever. Maybe it's because of the constant new beginnings. Something new and wondrous every day. It's not the same old thing. I suspect some people are caught in a rut. Sameness. Over and over. Nothing new. Nothing invigorating. Well, I have the solution. Make every day a new day. Genuinely new. --Jim Broede

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