Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's time for a change.

I'd rebuild America by taking from the rich and spending it on the less fortunate. The poor and middle classes. The nice thing about that strategy is that the rich will still be rich. And the rest of us will be far better off. For too long, we've allowed the rich to become richer. While the poor became poorer. That ain't right. Morally. Or any way. In a sense, America has become a little Egypt. Where the elite are allowed to rule. To have their way. At the expense of the common good. Egyptians have said enough is enough. But we Americans are too stupid to know that we have been given the shaft. For a long, long time. We actually believe it when the ruling elite tell us we should be satisfied and happy. Just to be Americans. For what we have. And that if we aren't, we are ungrateful Americans. I don't buy that bullshit for a second. I won't be hoodwinked. But my fellow Americans, you are gonna go down in history as the dumbest Americans ever. Unless you wake up pretty soon. Take to the town squares and the streets. Like the Egyptians. It's time for a change. Time for equality. Time for redistribution of the nation's wealth. --Jim Broede

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