Friday, February 11, 2011

No need to retrieve the moment.

I like to withdraw into my own little world. And I'm successful at it. I can shut out a whole lot. And not let things of the world bother me. Maybe it's that I don't know what the world is about. Haven't ever figured it out. And that's all the more reason to create my own world. I do that when I write. I decide what's important. Today. And then I focus on that. Maybe it's just walking. Aimlessly. And seeing what I see. And making something of it. I was walking this morning. With my digital camera. Taking pictures of anything that caught my fancy. But when two dogs appeared at a fence, and looked at me, quizzically, I didn't take a photograph. Because I was captivated. Connected to the dogs. Both docile. And I thought, how nice. I'm interested in them. And they are interested in me. Then I went on with my walk. Satisfied that I hadn't taken a picture of the dogs. Because I had already captured the moment. In a meaningful way. No need to retrieve it. --Jim Broede

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