Sunday, February 13, 2011

There has to be give and take.

I like to go with the natural flow of life. To just let things happen. But at the same time, I like to take charge. And make things happen. Because maybe sometimes I sense the flow ain't quite right. For instance, the way I'm treated by other people. I want to be treated nice. With a reasonable degree of respect. And courtesy. Because that's the way I try to treat others. But I do encounter rude people. Inconsiderarte people. And I don't let them walk over me. Yes, I'm capable of turning the other cheek a time or two. Maybe even three. But eventually, I've had enough. And I slap back. And another thing, it's quite possible that I have to actively pursue my romantic destiny. I gotta make things happen. I have to put myself into the driver's seat. And take advantage of opportunity. The guiding spirits can guide me only so far. But ultimately, it's up to me to get things done. The right way. The preferred way. I am compelled to become a man of action. Even though I have to accept some of the pitfalls of life. I can't have everything my own way. And I recognize that. But others around me also have to recognize that they can't always have their own ways. They have to compromise. Accept reality. Accept an occasional unwanted fate. Fact of the matter is that nobody can have his/her own way all of the time. There has to be give and take. --Jim Broede

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