Monday, March 28, 2011

I could be drifting on a cloud.

I don’t mind making decisions. Over what to do next. But often it’s just nice to let a day evolve. In its own mysterious way. Just going with the flow. Feels like I’m living in a story. Which is better than reading a novel. Because it feels so much more real. Guess that’s because it is. Some of the most comfortable moments in my life came when I just let things happen. Naturally. I’m going through such a period now. Events don’t even need analysis. Albeit, I’m naturally analytical. A little like Sherlock Holmes. That’s part of the fun of life. Trying to figure things out. And giving events a romantic aura. That makes everything more meaningful. Occasionally I stumble across people who tell me they are tired of making decisions. Day in and day out. I suspect they are making the wrong decisions. Because they ain’t going with the flow. I often feel like I’m flowing down a river, or a babbling brook. Through a primeval forest. But I also have choices. I could be drifting on a cloud. –Jim Broede

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