Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I need to show more empathy.

I tend to write off some people. Especially those on drugs. The type of drugs that impair their personalities. In negative ways. Into something I don't like. For many years, I wrote off my sister. Kept my distance. Because she's an alcoholic. Fortunately, she's now a recovering alcoholic. So we've renewed contact. And it's pleasant. Anyway, maybe it goes to show that I have a low tolerance level for people on drugs. Even excessive amounts of alcohol. Doesn't bother me that I cut ties with people that have been close to me. Real friends. And relatives. I know. A friend is a friend is a friend. Supposed to be. But I don't want to be dragged down. Even by a friend who happens to be on drugs. Because I think they have a choice. They don't have to be on drugs. I tell them that. And I encourage them to get help. But if they don't, I generally steer clear of 'em. I'm more tolerant of people in depression. I try to console them. And get them help. I'll generally keep some degree of contact with 'em. But not to the extent of letting 'em drag me down with 'em. Eventually, I run out of patience. I'm not sure if I like this side of me. I need to show more empathy. More sympathy. More understanding. More compassion. --Jim Broede

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