Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm focused, meaningfully.

I’m rabid about some things. But not obsessed, as some people describe me. For instance, I try to exercise physically. Daily. Hardly ever miss a day. Yes, some call that an obsession. I don’t. I merely find it a requirement of living. Just like breathing. If I don’t exercise regularly, I’ll die sooner than I want to. Because I’ll be out of shape. So if I’m not walking or jogging or running, I’m bicycling. I took up bicycling last summer because I had a sore foot. The foot is healed. But I’m still pedaling. Every day. At least 30 miles. Helps me control my weight, too. But more than anything, it relaxes me. Makes me feel good. Not only physically. But mentally. And emotionally. That’s why I write every day, too. Often morning, noon and night. It’s another form of exercise. Not so physical. But mental and emotional. If I skip a day of physical or mental exercise, I don’t feel right. It bothers me. Again, not to the point of being obsessed. Instead, it makes me out of focus. And I want to be focused. So I get back into my rhythm. Completely focused. On living. Actively. Meaningfully. –Jim Broede

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